Brow Lift

Brow lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves lifting and repositioning the eyebrows to create a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. It can also help to correct eyebrow asymmetry or address sagging skin in the forehead area.
During a brow lift surgery, incisions are made either at the hairline or in the scalp, and the underlying tissue and muscles are repositioned to lift the eyebrows and smooth out wrinkles in the forehead. In some cases, a small camera may be used to assist with the surgery.

The specific technique used will depend on the patient’s individual needs and goals, as well as their anatomy. Brow lift surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis, and recovery time varies depending on the extent of the surgery. It is important to discuss all options and potential risks with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon before undergoing the procedure.

As an oculofacial surgeon with extensive experience in brow lift surgery, Dr. Renelle Lim is pleased to offer safe and effective procedures to help patients achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. A brow lift, also known as an eyebrow lift or forehead lift, is a cosmetic surgery that can address sagging skin in the forehead area and correct eyebrow asymmetry. Using the latest techniques such as endoscopic or temporal brow lift, Dr. Lim can customize a treatment plan to meet each patient’s unique needs and goals, resulting in natural-looking and long-lasting results. During a comprehensive consultation, the doctor will discuss the best options for you, including non-surgical alternatives, to create a personalized treatment plan. As a board-certified surgeon, Dr. Renelle Lim is committed to delivering exceptional care and helping you achieve the best possible outcomes. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule your consultation and see before and after photos or read patient testimonials.

Brow Lift Q&A

A brow lift, also called a forehead lift, is a cosmetic surgery that will correct a heavy brow.  

Due to the natural aging process, the muscles of the forehead loosen, and the skin starts to sag. This can worsen the appearance of drooping eyelids and other facial anatomy changes that you might not appreciate.

Before your brow lift at the Institute of Dermatology & Oculoplastic Surgery, the team chooses one of several brow lift techniques to use for your surgery. You’re under anesthesia regardless of which type of brow lift you get.

During your brow lift, the team often makes an incision at the hairline or the brow.  In many cases, they perform an upper eyelid blepharoplasty at the same time. 

There are several reasons why you might consider getting a brow lift.  During your consultation, you may discuss your goals with your surgeon at the Institute of Dermatology & Oculoplastic Surgery team.  The surgical plan will be made according to the natural anatomy of your face. 

Brow lift surgery can:

  • Improve frown lines or furrows
  • Reduce excess skin on the upper eyelid
  • Broaden your field of vision
  • Improve facial harmony and proportions
  • Many satisfied patients agree that a brow lift helps them look more awake and alert. Your eyebrows and hairline positions can convey your age, and a brow lift may restore a more youthful appearance.

The team will also apply a dressing to the wound to encourage its healing and tell you to use a cold compress intermittently to reduce swelling. 

As you heal, you should keep your head elevated (even while at rest) and avoid high-impact activities until the team tells you it’s safe. 

For more information on brow lift surgeries, call the Institute of Dermatology & Oculoplastic Surgery or book an appointment online today. 

Our Mission is To Help You Live Your Best Life Every Single Day.

Brow lift and CO2 laser, upper eyelid blepharoplasty (just 8 days after surgery)