How to Maintain Eyelid Surgery Results

You are an excellent candidate for upper or lower eyelid surgery if you are experiencing drooping, sagging, wrinkled, or blemished skin around the eyes. Your surgeon may suggest that you go through with one of our eyelid restoration options, which can grant you long-lasting results. Using a combination of trained techniques and cutting-edge technology, we can help you restore facial symmetry so you can start loving the way you look again. Below, we cover how to maintain eyelid surgery results.

How to Maintain Eyelid Surgery Results

While blepharoplasty is a straightforward process, it still requires full surgery. It is important that you follow surgery instructions before and after your operation to ensure proper healing. Below, we will show you how to maintain eyelid surgery results during and after your recovery period. We utilize techniques that guarantee long-lasting results, but there are even more ways to prolong your new facial harmony by taking good care of yourself.

How Eyelid Surgery Works

Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, consists of several different procedures. The two main types include upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery. Most patients seek out this procedure for cosmetic and reconstructive purposes. This is because eyelid surgery is effective at identifying and removing the worst signs of aging or injury on the skin. By correcting drooping eyelids, lifting wrinkles, and tightening skin, you can retain a much more youthful appearance for a longer time.

The procedure itself requires full anesthesia, so you should bring a friend or family member with you who can care for you in the days following your surgery. While recovery is straightforward, you will still want to follow instructions closely so as not to tamper with your results.

Best Methods for Maintaining Results

You are not expected to face any blepharoplasty risks during your recovery period, it is imperative that you follow all instructions given to you by your medical professionals. The recovery period can take a few months to heal, even if you look fully healed on the surface. As long as you maintain great lifestyle habits and avoid factors that contribute to poor health, you can see great blepharoplasty results for many years.

Follow some of these recovery tips to encourage quicker healing and more satisfactory results:

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

UV damage is still the biggest danger to skin, and even more so when that skin is undergoing a healing process. The sun can severely damage your skin and stop your healing in its tracks, leaving you with less-than-satisfactory results. Stay out of the sun if you can. When you do go outside, make sure to cover your skin in SPF protection before exposing yourself. Sunscreen should contain at least SPF 50 for the best results.

Keep Moisturizing

Similar to sunscreen, you should always cover your skin with moisturizer before you go about your day. Moisturization should already be a big part of your skincare routine, but it is doubly important when you are helping your eyelids to heal. It is a good idea to gently and gradually work your way back into your usual face care routine so you do not irritate your healing eyelids with chemicals or abrasive products.

Establish Healthy Daily Routines

It is easy to go back to your old ways after you have recovered from surgery. However, our experts suggest that you use the healing period to establish new daily routines. You can make a habit out of eating right and giving your body the nutrients it needs to support healthy skin. Once you are further along in the recovery process, you should also incorporate exercise as something that can keep your results more regulated.

Check-in With Your Surgeon

A few weeks after your surgery, you will schedule an appointment with the surgeon. Your medical staff will want to check in on your progress and make sure you are healing correctly. This is also a good time to bring up questions or comments you might have about how your healing is going. If all goes well, then your follow-up appointment will likely be fast and full of positive news. It never hurts to ask questions, though.

Get a Full Range of Eyelid Surgery Options in Sarasota

At the Institute of Dermatology and Oculoplastic Surgery in Sarasota, our experts offer premier restoration services to bring your most unique features back to life. It can be disheartening to watch as your eyelids droop lower and lower, totally changing your appearance for the worse. You do not need to live with these skin blemishes, especially if they are harming your self-esteem. Restore your confidence and your face with our advanced surgical options. Contact us today to get started.